In order to create a sample acting resume, understanding the qualifications and skills necessary for the position are critical. TIP: When seeking an acting job, be sure to note all the qualifications listed in the job posting and include them in your resume. Typical qualifications for an actor / actress:
Rita Smith
1234 Main Avenue
Reston, VA 23222
Phone: (123) 456-7890
Hair Brown |
Eyes Brown |
Height 5'7" |
Weight 130 Pounds |
Stage / Theater
Title Noises Off The Miracle Worker Death Of A Salesman |
Role Dotty Otley Helen Keller Linda Loman |
Director Frayn Gibson Miller |
Year 1982 1959 1949 |
Film / Television
Title Citizen Kane Modern Times King Kong |
Role Supporting Lead Lead |
Director Welles Chaplin Schoedsack |
Year 1941 1936 1933 |
American Film Institute
Special Skills
Singing, piano, bilingual (French), ballroom dancing
Film / television acting, stage / theater acting, audition workshops, voice lessons, acting classes
Use the above sample acting resume to help you customize and create your own powerful resume.
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