Career Skill Assessment

A career skill assessment can help you determine an ideal career based on your skills. Your skill assessment, combined with a personality, or career self assessment, will help you identify careers that are best suited to both your skills and personality type.

If you want to make a career change to a different field or industry, a career skill assessment will help you discover career options that match your current skillset.

With so much information available on the internet, many skill tests are available online, both free and fee-based.

Tests typically include questions or skill choices and compile the information together to provide you feedback on which occupations or skills closely match your current skillset.

Most tests rely on your own assessment of your skills, so try to be as honest and objective as possible.

One of the most popular tests is a Skills Profiler, available free on many websites.

Many fee-based online tests include a personal consultation with the charge for taking the test. If you really want a detailed perspective on your skills, this may be a good option for you.

You may want to consider trying a free career self assessment test first, and then if you decide you'd like more in-depth information, then consider paying for a more detailed report.

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