Job Interview Attire:
Dress For Success!

Your job interview attire will be the first thing a hiring manager notices when you go to an interview. In order to land the perfect job, you must make sure that your outfit enhances (not diminishes) the overall impression you want to convey. You certainly don't want to be passed over on a position because of your choice in attire.

If you were the hiring manager for this position, what would you expect a potential candidate to wear?

Tips to Dress for Success


  • Wear solid, conservative colors.
  • Wear a neat, tailored suit or dress.
  • Go easy on jewelry.
  • Women - go light on makeup, perfume, and hairspray.
  • Men - go light on cologne and after-shave.
  • Overdress rather than underdress (for example, opt for a suit rather than khakis and a polo shirt).
  • Be neatly groomed.
  • Be comfortable - you must be professional, but if you're not comfortable, you won't be focused on the interview itself.
  • Wear a smile!!!
  • Exude confidence - dress the part, act the part!


  • Leave your cell phone on (and if you leave it on by accident, DON'T answer it during an interview).
  • Women - Wear skirts above the knee or heels too high.
  • Men - Wear casual shoes with a suit.
  • Wear old, worn shoes - your shoes should be scuff-free.
  • Take your job interview attire lightly - first impressions count!

If you're in doubt as to what you should wear, ask your spouse or friends, or check with a local store specializing in professional attire. Your job interview attire should leave the hiring manager with the impression that you have what it takes to be successful in the position.

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